How to Get the Best Cash Back Credit Cards

There are several ways to earn cash back from your credit cards, which means your rewards could be worth more than the initial card purchase. Here’s how to get the best cash back credit cards:

Earn cash back on every purchase

If you carry just one credit card, you’re usually stuck with that one. But there’s a way to earn a rewards card for each of your credit cards. You can choose from cards that give you cash back on purchases or cards that give you best credit card casinos points that you can redeem for cash or for products and services from the retailers that issue the cards. The more cards you have, the more cash back you’ll get — and the more good deals you’ll discover.

Carry a rewards card and a cash back card

Having a single card (even a rewards card) limits your options. You might not be able to redeem cash back on your frequent-flyer miles for cash, or you might not be able to use it when you travel, or you might not be able to use the points to get discounts on travel tickets. You’re also limited to the cards that give you rewards, which means it’s hard to compare offerings. Fortunately, there’s a way to reward yourself with benefits from two rewards programs: by taking a rewards card that gives you cash back and a second card that gives you points. Both cards can be from the same company, and both cards can be from different companies. You can use one card in place of the other and still earn the benefits, but you can’t earn rewards for both cards if you carry a single card.

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Go where the deals are

You can get cash back on the gas you buy (which is why we suggest having at least two gas cards in your wallet), but there are lots of other places you can spend your cash back rewards. You can get cash back on meals you buy or restaurants you dine at. Car dealerships and gas stations are classic places to spend your rewards, but you could earn rewards on your groceries, your books or music purchases, and your utilities. It may take a bit of research to find the best deals, but once you do, you’ll wonder how you lived without this money-saving tool.

Look for travel benefits

You can add travel rewards to your card as well — so you could earn rewards every time you use your card to buy airline tickets. It’s a relatively new concept, but a growing number of companies are offering best credit card casinos reward cards that let you earn miles for travel-related purchases. You can redeem your miles for airline or hotel rewards, and you can even spend them at places you wouldn’t normally shop. Consider using cards that don’t take a direct fee when you redeem your rewards for travel. That means no foreign transaction fees, no credit check fee, and no addition to your spending limit. Those types of rewards have been around for a while, but more companies are adopting them.